Twist and Shout
2508 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 303-722-1943
Hours: Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM; Sun 10AM-6PM Twist & Shout is now open for in-store shopping daily from 10AM-7PM (6PM Sunday). We are also continuing curbside pickup & mail order services. Please call with any questions!
When Danish composer Carl Nielsen finished his Third Symphony, he spoke of the first movement as "a gust ofenergy and life-affirmation blown out into the wide world" and called the finale of his Third Symphony "a hymn towork and the healthy activity of everyday life" - truly a sense of optimism all-too-rare for us denizens of the 21stcentury! So, why a four-hand arrangement of an orchestral score you ask? In the days before mechanical recordings,four hand arrangements were both a delightful social activity and an invaluable means of making large-scaleworks available to gifted amateurs who might not otherwise have opportunity to hear them in concert as well aspromote them to conductors and concert programmers. As pianist Rikke Sandberg and Nielsen scholar Niels BoFoltmann describe in the booklet notes, the discovery of the manuscript of Nielsen's OWN arrangement "SinfoniaEspansiva" was itself a tale of luck and diligent librarianship.Also included on this all WORLD PREMIERE RECORDING album are 2 works from Nielsen's Opera Saul & David,arranged by Nielsen for piano duet, and an oddity recently discovered in the archives of the Tivoli Amusement Park,the original four-handed sketch for the Hojby Rifle Club March composed by Nielsens' father, and arranged by CarlNielsen/Kristoffer Hyldig.We hope that you will enjoy this first recording of Carl Nielsen's own four-handed piano music arrangement of hisorchestral works, brought brilliantly to life through the musicianship and scholarship of Rikke Sandberg and KristofferHyldig. Recorded by Preben Iwan in the DXD audio format (Digital eXtreme Definition, 352.8 kHz/32bit) and,available in the Dolby Atmos format on streaming platforms.