Twist and Shout
2508 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 303-722-1943
Hours: Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM; Sun 10AM-6PM Twist & Shout is now open for in-store shopping daily from 10AM-7PM (6PM Sunday). We are also continuing curbside pickup & mail order services. Please call with any questions!
Bang Yedam is a South Korean singer and producer. He was formerly the main vocalist of K-Pop group Treasure. Full track lyrics. Composed. Arranged. This is the first album to introduce Bang Yedam as an artist and producer, and it is an album that will make you feel the musical maturity and perfect performance of Bang Yedam as a vocalist that has never been seen before. In this album, artist Bang Yedam poured his story and musical problems into his music. There are traces of his long struggles and efforts in his first mini album. Beautiful piano melody blends with Bang Yedam's soulful vocals. The song was written and composed by Bang Yedam as her first step as a producer, and expresses the theme of love with a touch of sadness. This US Exclusive Version includes: Envelope, Photo Card, Film Photo, Logo Sticker, Poster, Postcard, US Excl. Photo Card