Twist and Shout
2508 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 303-722-1943
Hours: Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM; Sun 10AM-6PM Twist & Shout is now open for in-store shopping daily from 10AM-7PM (6PM Sunday). We are also continuing curbside pickup & mail order services. Please call with any questions!
'Haw-Right Now' is a monster track, from Patrice Rushen's 1974 debut LP "Prelusion" featuring the tightest bass and drum groove you could imagine over which she and saxophonist Joe Henderson play incredible lines. A massive jazz dance track. It is backed by the chunky jazz funk of 'Kickin' Back' -originally released in 1976 as an early 12 inch single on the back of club plays.